The episode is a continuation of the story of the grand return of New York City. Since our last episode, New York has proved to the world that it is always full of hope. Always it believes that something good and big is about to take off. After all, it is the concrete jungle where dreams are made of. Following the pandemic, the city comes back with this exciting chapter that awakens your senses, curiosity, and imagination.
Starting from the morning commute on a chopper to the new height above the city, we are taking you to the newest hot spots in the city such as Summit One Vanderbilt, Little Island, Billionaire's Row, Hudson Yards, and The Edge.
We are also sharing some of our new favorite cultural and culinary experiences in town, and most importantly, featuring the people of New York to showcase the best authentic New York lifestyle. Above all, New Yorkers are the DNA of the city, the city is limitless and nothing here is out of reach.
"New York is not a fairytale, it is a marvel."
- My Inspire Project
新的一集My Inspire Project 系列影片, 我們延續上一集紐約市慶祝重生的故事。紐約總是充滿著希望,始終相信美好且偉大的事物即將在這裡發生。畢竟,紐約是追逐夢想的中心地。疫情過後,這座城市開啟了新的篇章,透過許多激動人心的新景點與體驗,喚醒大家的感官、好奇心和想像力。
從日出時分乘坐著直升機通勤到城市上空,我們帶領大家前往紐約目前最新的熱門景點,例如Summit One Vanderbilt, Little Island, Billionaire's Row, Hudson Yards 和 The Edge. 我們還挑選一些城裡最新的文化和美食體驗,紐約客為這座城市最大的特色與DNA核心,透過我們的故事,我們希望呈現出最道地的紐約生活。
Special Thanks:
Maria J. Abuabara Brülhart
Damien Brülhart
Victoria Brülhart Abuabara
Courtney Dawson
Gale Lee
Jade Wu
Wendy Chen
Jeff Thomas
Derek Yamada
Copyright of GLOREN Co.
Publisher Henry Hu
Creative Director | Executive Producer Andrew Chen
Director of Photography Giuseppe Mottola
Camera Operator Marco Vitale
Editor Pascal Blaurock
Senior Producer Damien Brulhart
Associate Producer Claire Hsu